
Scale Your business with Monkeyswipes For Clover

Our marketing services help you grow your business.

Monkeyswipes tender

Track transactionns with our app.

With Monkeyswipes Tenders you can track every time a customer performs an action, like, Gift Card Load, Gift Card Redeem, Loyalty Points, Loyalty Redeem; each one of this transactions are recorded so you understand when and how your products are performing.

Fully integrated

User friendly & easy to use

Our Clover app is fully integrated and it is compatible with all Clover devices allowing you to get up and running in no time.

SMS Messages & Emails

Marketing tools fully integrated with Clover

Plastic Gift Cards

We offer plastic gift cards to help you attract new clients.

e-Gift Cards

With our e-gift cards you can reach an even bigger market.

Loyalty Program

Reward your customers for their loyalty so they keep coming back.

Email scheduling

Let your customers know about your business promotions with email scheduling.

SMS Scheduling

Send reminders to your customers with SMS Messages. "Hey John, buy 2 and get 1 for free!"

Clover Customer Sync

Clover customers are synced into our platform so you can start right away without re-entering data.


Monkeyswipes continues adding features to help you grow your bussines.

Our platform has helped businesses grow prior and during pandemic with our marketing tools, Email scheduling, SMS Messages scheduling, e-Gift Cards and Loyalty programs.

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SMS Messages
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Customers Sync