
Make the most of your business.

Promote your business with you Clover customers with our SMS Messages and Emails Scheduling.

Why choose us

We have highly skilled engineers with excellent technical knowledge and experience in using the latest software standards. We have built a large pool of knowledge that we apply to deliver solutions that meet client's needs and expectations. By putting our clients at the heart of everything we do, we are proud that we are still supporting our very first business client.

Plastic Gift Cards

We offer plastic gift cards to help you attract new clients.

e-Gift Cards

With our e-gift cards you can reach an even bigger market. Just share our link in your social media and website!

Loyalty Program

Reward your customers for their loyalty so they keep coming back. We provide Clover Loyalty Customer Integration as well as Plastic Loyalty cards.

Email scheduling

Let your customers know about your business promotions with email scheduling.

SMS Scheduling

Send reminders to your customers with SMS Messages. "Hey John, buy 2 and get 1 for free!"

Clover Customer Sync

Clover customers are synced into our platform so you can start right away without re-entering data.

Monkeyswipes tender

Install our app and start accepting loyalty & gift cards.

Our Clover app allows you to take Loyalty and Gift Cards payments right from your Clover device.

SMS MESSAGE Scheduling

Never get a slow day again.​

Plan in advance and schedule your SMS Message campaign to remind customers on offers and promotions. Our SMS Message feature is fully integrated with Clover Customers.

Email Message Monkeyswipes
Emails Scheduling

Accelerate you sales with Email Scheduling

Plan in advance and schedule you email campaigns to attract customers on slow days/hours. Our Emails feature is fully integrated with Clover Customers.