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Frequently Asked Questions

Who process Credit Card Payments when a client purchases an online Gift Card?

We are fully complaint with Clover Payments and credit card transactions go through Clover platform, you will be able to see the transactions in your Clover dashboard; Monkeyswipes does not keep credit card nor personal information.

How are my Clover customers transferred to Monkeyswipes?

This happens automatically, once Monkeyswipes is install in a Clover device all customers will be synced and kept up to date; this makes it easy for you to start your reward program and marketing plan..

Can a customer unsubscribe from my emails?

Yes, emails contain an unsubscribe component which allows customers to unsubscribe from the campaign and/or all emails.

Can customer unsubscribe from SMS Messages?

Yes, customers can unsubscribe from SMS Messages by replying STOP and they will not receive more SMS Messages; if customers later decide they want to receive your SMS campaigns then they would just have to reply START.

Does your platform support multi location?

Yes, our Loyalty and Gift Card can be enabled to work across multiple locations; we would need to know in advance which locations need to be connected.

How long does it take for Monkeyswipes to sync my Clover customers?

This process can take any time from 10 minutes to 1 hour; if it takes more than 1 hour please contact support.

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